Friday, December 4, 2009

Special Olympics Movie

WALT: follow an inquiry process and present out inquiry learning about the Special Olympics using MS Movie maker. Before making this movie, I looked over the feedback I received last term for my movie about China. Some of the things I took into consideration and tried to improve on when making this movie were to have a louder voice and clearer voice. Something interesting I have learnt about the Special Olympics during this inquiry is that you have to be 8 or over to compete. A challenge I found in this inquiry was having to memorise the words before we were on camera, I managed to solve this by trying on some scenes to sneak in the script.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


a comic strip!
Last week on Friday 13th November we had our St James school Athletics up at the Massy Track.A highlight for me was wining the 400 meters. A challenge for me was finishing the 400 meters when I was very tired.

Walt: Identify and use Special Olympics vorabulary.

ImageChef Word Mosaic - This is a Imagechef on what we had to show at the massy track for our school Athletics.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Justine on PhotoPeach

This is a photopeach about Justine our Special olympic.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Special Oympics

Get a Voki now!

Wala : about the Special Olympics
Here are some intresting facts about the Special Olympics I have found out so far:
It is held every 4 years, you have to be 8 to start,the Special Olympics is held in Palmerston North and the motto is Let me win but if I can not win let me be brave in the attempt.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The special olympics

special olympics on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Walt write a recount using descriptive language. I used scrap blog to present my holiday recount.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chinese dance on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This is a manadala I made it on paint. Making a manadala helps you restore you to centredness in god and healing of mind and heart.

chinas history

WALT:Follow an inquiry process. This term we have been learning about China, we have continued building on the inquiry skills we have leart in term 2. We brainstormed open quesions as a class and then delegated these out to pairs. The part of China Beth, Izzy, Krista, Zeppelin and I were finding out more about was Chinas History. We found our information on the internet and from books. We used a data chart to make sure we triangulated all our information so we knew it was true. We then used movie maker to present our inquiry. Something I enjoyed was making the movie becuase I got to learn how to use Movie Maker. An interesting fact I found out was the Chinese zodiac anamalis arnt just years, thier months to. My next learning step in inquiry is to be more focased to awnser my qustons.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This is a movie on China.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This is my name in chinese

Sunday, August 30, 2009

china picturetrail

this is a picturetrail on china

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Wordle: Untitled This is a wordle of types of dance

Walt: find out more about China to help us in our Dance Performance.

Last week cindys dad came to share with us all about china. He gave us moon cake so that we could try some of the food in china. An intresting fact I leart was that in china they have traditional and Simplified writing. I really enjoyed the part when we got the moon cakes because they were very nice and we got to try food from china

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wordle: hobbiesThis is a wordle of my hobbies

Saturday, August 15, 2009

my mihi

Kia ora koutou. Ko Bethany toku ingoa.
My name is Bethany.
Tekau oku tau. I am 10 years old.
No Turanga nui a kiwa ahau. Iam from Gisborne.
Ko Mary Grant raua ko Margaret Havell oku kuia.
My grandmothers are Mary Grant and Margaret Havell.
Ko Jack Grant raua ko Chad Havell oku koroua.
My grandfathers are Jack Grant and Chad Havell.
Ko Michael Grant toku papa. Ko Katy Grant toku whaea.
Ko Eleanor toku tuakana. Ko Benedict toku tungane.
Eleanor is my older sister. Benedict is my brother.
Ko Lily ratou ko Autumn ko Shadow nga ingoa o taku mokai.
He pai ki au ki te omaoma me kanikani hoki. I am good at running and jazz dancing.
My pets names are Lily, Autumn and Shadow.
Ko au te tauira o Hato Hemi. I am a student of St James Catholic School.
Ko Mrs Edwards te tumuaki o toku kura. Mrs Edwards is the Principal of my school.
Ko Ruma toru taku akomanga. Room 3 is my classroom.
Ko Miss Paynter toku kaiako. My teacher is Miss Paynter.
He mihi nui kia koutou katoa, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Friday, August 7, 2009

a comic strip! This is a piki kids of chinsse dancing

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How cultures and Traditions Expressed though dance.

a comic strip!

Walt:During week one, we had a variety of learning experiences to tune us into ideas about our big question for this term - how cultures and traditions expressed though dance? We had a performance from the boys high pacifica group,a performance from st peters pacifica group and a drumming workshop. I enjoyed the drumming workshop the most because we got to make up our own beats. something new I learnt was about the instruments they use an how they make them.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Walt:Recognise how st james lived a lifr folling jesus and spreading the good news. Our school is named after st james because james built the school.St Jamess showed he followd Jesus because he spread the good news of jesus. An Interesting fact about st james is he got beheaded

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Walt:present the information I have learnt during my inquiry simply and clearly so that others can gain the most important information from my presentation. This voice thread explains what I have learnt during my inquiry on the kiw. Something I think I did really well during this inquiry process was how I presented my work because I used paint and added magazine clipings. Next time I do an inquiry something I could improve on is adding more detail to my information box because I did not use as much detail as I could have. The part I liked best about doing an inquiry was having a member of DOC come in and talk to us about New Zealand native animals because it answered a lot of my quesions about the kiwi.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Walt:useblabberise to share infomation on our inquiry learning. Iused blabberise to make this video. The informaioni used is what i have found out so far during my inquiry on the Kiwi .An interesting fact I have found out about the Kiwi is that they eat fresh water crayfish.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

m.t bruce

My M.t Bruce Trip

I used animoto to make it I saw heeps of new zealand Birds and animails


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wordle: bob© 2009 Jonathan Feinberg Terms of Use subscribe WALT follow an inquiry process by listing all the places we can find information. I am learing to follow an inquiry process.As part of this process I used wordle to list all the places Ican find information to anser my questions

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memory Drawing.

Walt: access our prior knowledge.

I used Voicethread to share my drawing of a Kiwi. This is my drawing at the start of my inquiry. I will do another drawing near the end of my inquiry and it will hopefully show all the new learing I have done.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

WALT:Compare and contrast different programmes.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

My webspiration.

walt:ask a open questions.
I used webspiration to brainstorm questions that will guide me in my inquiry on the Kiwi.

The kiwi bird.

walt:follow an inquiry process.
The bird I want to learn more about is the Kiwi.Ichose the Kiwi because it is interesting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

we show jesus by

walt:how jesus life was one of love for god and people.This pictuer shows me that praying is jesus exsample of love.This photo shows me to have trust in others.Ths other photo shows me to help others like jesus did.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

WALT identify and be actively involved in strategies that helps me to learn.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

:Wala Jesus the fullness of Gods Revelation

To me this means:That
Jesus has been baptised into
Gods family

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How does a blog help you with your learning?
it helps me with my learning because if i have done a peice of eg writing i can type it up and put it on my blog so people can see it. How does a blog link your school learning with your home? because you can show your parents your learning on your blog

My fear

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WALT: Carry out and present a statistical investigation.

Wordle: Untitled

In class we have been doing statistics and learning how to carry out statistical Investigations and present data. my statisstical Investigation was on the most populer Inturment. I presented it using worlde this worldel shows me that most people in R3 like Guitar and the least popouler is Keybord.

My Pie graph

W.A.L.T :

plan my statistical Investigation